Frequently Asked Questions

Below are a list of questions that you may relate to should you need an answer to.


Why do I need a destiny map reading or a report:?

Simple as knowing the weather forecast it tells us when something is about to happen, You’re about to go on a trip and you have everything ready, your luggage, clothes, flight ticket, etc. but Do you go on a trip without a map or without checking the weather first? Knowing the weather and the location will make your trip much fun and well prepared.


I create my “Own Destiny” not a map?

We couldn’t agree with you more on this we are actually here to expand that search and help you look within. You have a beautiful manual of your own and if you know that manual it would be easier for you to go in life.


What is the Benefit?

The Benefit is endless but most important gives you a direction in life, gives you confirmation of what your feeling because we know that every human been is intuitive and lastly it gives you answers to questions you didn’t know. Everything from relationship to job, career, etc..


What is the purpose of getting a reading?

This is really a personal individual question based on how open you are but if you are here then you are not an ordinary.


Why did I visited this page?

We know there is no coincidence in life and if you are visiting this page we know that you are in the search mode looking for something greater that might help you bring answers to what you are looking for.


How can a reading help me with my business?

Just like you have a birth date and identifies yourself with one of the 53 cards, your business also has a personality. Not as a human but an actual information that will tell how your business is going to grow, the ups and downs, the relationship etc. everything is a relationship.

If you are already in the search of the self like attending workshops, changing lifestyle, you’re practicing or doing some type of spiritual work, let me tell you; you have found the right place to complete your journey. It is said that the biggest treasures in life are either buried, or hidden in the least unexpected. (Perhaps is in the cards)